Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Royal Bravitude

Although the French Presidential campaigns don't formally start until April, they're already in full swing. For reasons beyond my understanding, my favourite of the bunch, Parti Socialiste candidate Ségolène Royal, is campaigning in a region you normally wouldn't consider part of the French electorate: China. During her stay in China she managed to invent a new word, much to the amusement of newspaper Le Monde. Speaking of the Great Wall of China, she stated:
Comme le disent les Chinois, qui n'est pas venu sur la Grande muraille n'est pas un brave. Qui va sur la Grande muraille conquiert la bravitude.
Which roughly translates into "As the Chinese say, [he] who did't come on the Great Wall is not a brave [man]. [He] who walks on the great wall conquers bravitude." The new word in question, if you haven't guessed already, is "bravitude," which would make both George W. Bush and Stephen Colbert proud. Royal might actually have meant bravoure, "bravery." Though, Ségo's campaign staff is now claiming she actually intended to invent a new word, with the supposed definition "fullness of bravery." Sheesh.
It's bad enough she's canoodling with the Chinese Communist party, now she's re-inventing the French language?! I'm not an expert in French by any means, but I'm rather sure there's some sort of body that regulates the French language...oh yeah, L'Académie française.
Well, linguistic issues aside, she remains my fave, as she does have a rather redeeming quality: she's not Nicolas Sarkozy.