It remains to be seen if the French left can get its act together, however. 2002's elections was a rather embarrassing affair, with extremist right-wing bigot Jean-Marie Le Pen inching out then Prime Minister Lionel Jospin (PS) to move on to the second round. Royal hasn't formally announced her candidacy yet, and PS won't pick a candidate until November (ironically enough, one of the other possible PS nominees is François Hollande, Royal's spouse), but barring any unforeseen circumstances, she'll very likely be PS's nominee. On the issues she seem alright, if a bit "third way". She's previously been rather conservative on issues relating to homosexuality, but recently promised to introduce a bill legalizing same-sex marriage and adoption, should her party form the next government.
The main criticisms against her seem to be a lack of experience in foreign policy. But what's the worse that could happen when you elect a president with little or no foreign policy experience? Oh...
Seriously, though, after twelve years of this guy, France could use a woman's touch.