Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Bridge over Troubled Waters

Apparently they're constructing a new bridge over the Danube in Budapest, Hungary. And someone thought of the brilliant idea of conducting an online poll to name the bridge. Of course, the international media caught on. Now everyone from Chuck Norris to Steven Seagal is getting votes. Well, obviously there's only one logical choice, especially considering this is a Hungarian bridge.
I'm talking of David "The Hoff" Hasselhoff, of course.
You people think it was Ronald Reagan or John Paul II or Lech Walesa who won the cold war. Bullshit, I say. David Hasselhoff is the man principally responsible for tearing the iron curtain, despite what the revisionists may say.
Currently, however, he only has a paltry 225 votes. What the hell? He's the world's most famous lifeguard, for Pete's sake! Who better to name a bridge after? Clearly, if there's any justice in the world, The Hoff would win this in a landslide. I ask you to join me in making this a reality. Get off your ass and help out The Hoff!
  1. Go to
  2. Select "ABC szerint" to easily find The Hoff
  3. Scroll down to and select "David Hasselhoff híd"
  4. Scroll all the way down and click "Elküld"
Now, I know my blog has a fairly limited readership, so spread the word! If everyone chips in, he'll win this in no time!